
Aquatic Therapy in Saratoga Springs

The Independent Aquatic Program has been designed to meet the needs of those who will benefit from exercise in an aquatic environment where the water temperature is maintained at therapeutic levels, i.e., between 92-94 degrees.

Our therapeutic pool helps people of all ages and can be incorporated into many personal rehabilitation plans to improve physical strength, joint mobility, balance, coordination and endurance.

Independent Pool Schedule

Note: Schedule subject to change. All classes are 45 min long. Maximum of 6 participants in each class.

3:45pm-4:30pm (NS)
4:30pm-5:15pm (NS)
8:45am-9:30am (NS)
9:30am-10:15am (S&S)
10:15am-11:00am (NS)
1:30pm-2:15pm (A)
2:15pm-3:00pm (NS)

Note: (NS) is a “Next Step” class, (S&S) is a “Stretch and Strengthen” class, and (A) is an “Aerobics” class

Therapy Costs:

$20/Session. Payment is due, in full, at each pool session. Payment can be made by cash, check or credit card. These payments will be accepted by the receptionist at the front desk when you check in.

“Next Step” Class:

Supervised by an Instructor, this session allows individuals to perform self-directed aquatic exercises at their own pace. This program is an ideal progression for our physical therapy patients as a transition to an independent program.

“Stretch and Strengthening” Class:

Led by an Instructor, this class offers gently stretching and strengthening to those who may be experiencing chronic pain, joint inflammation, fibromyalgia or difficulty participating in traditional exercise programs.

“Aerobics” Class:

Led by a certified Aqua Aerobics Instructor, this class incorporates stretching, aerobic activity, core strengthening and balance activities to provide a full-body workout.

Scheduling Your Aquatic Therapy:

Participants can sign up for a class at the Outpatient Therapy front desk  or by telephone at (518) 691-1451. You may sign up for classes up to 1 month ahead of time. There will be a maximum of 6 participants in each session; each session is 45-minutes in length. The Outpatient Department will make every effort to reschedule pool sessions that the Department cancels.

  • You can sign-up with our receptionist, either in person or by telephone at (518) 691-1451.
  • Prompt arrival to your session is appreciated and will allow you the most time in the water. You are required to bring your own towel and to rinse off prior to entering the pool.  Showers after the pool must be limited to 2-minutes and participants are not to remove their bathing suit while showering.
  • If you are unable to attend a session that you previously signed up for, please call to let us know, as there may be a waitlist for the class.

Download the Independent Aquatic Waiver Medical Waiver

Please note the following COVID Protocols

  • All outpatient therapy patients are required to sign in at the kiosk before checking in at reception. If they have any signs and symptoms they are asked to cancel their appointment and not enter the building.
  • Masking is now being regulated by our outbreak status and county hospitalization rate.
    • Green status – No masking required
    • Yellow status – Masking only in residential areas
    • Red status – Masking required for everyone
  • Masking status of the Wesley Health Care Center can be found in our Facility Updates.

Schedule a Visit

Ready to come and visit The Wesley Community and see everything we have to offer? Contact us to setup a tour of residences and community.

Contact Us to Schedule a Tour